Sunday, October 15, 2023

Dribs and drabs

Here are some dribs and drabs from some of the things we do around here in room 3. 

Z and L are working on their Portfolios. You will recieve these around the winter break. They are filled with students work, journals, crafts and other items that they have created. 

We complete our calendar every day and discuss upcoming activities as well as keeping track of how many days we have been at school. We are counting all the way to 100 for our ONE HUNDREDTH DAY PARTY! More on that to come. 

Don't forget we had our PICTURE DAY! Proofs should be available soon. The deadline for ordering is October 24th. 

Don't forget student receive a morning snack everyday. We encourage them to try some of the fruits and vegetables. They don't have to eat them all but they have to try. Remember parents, little brains need protein! Make sure to pack a varied lunch if you can. If your child is a picky eater include them in the process. Have them help you pack their lunch the night before.

We also had our first ???MYSTERY READER???

If you would like to be a MYSTERY READER send me an email and we can schedule you in. Make sure to bring in 2-3 of your favourite picture books to read at home. If you would like, you can even drop us some clues/riddles so the students can try to figure who is coming in to read to us. 


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